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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

So...where was I?

Well, I haven't posted in a while. I got a job and that took up a lot of my time. LOL So, here I am. I finished my afghan as well. I'm sure I could have done it much wider than I did it, but, it's just for me so...I don't care. LOL

Now, I'm working on one for my son which is in Venture scouting colors of green and yellow (yes, think Green Bay Packers, LOL) and one for my sister from another family. I have a great photo of hers I can post. I'm having trouble with his because it's all SC and it's just soooo boring....and HUGE! Why did I make it so big? Because I love my son, that's why. ::snorts:: Yes, I'm a gluten for punishment. I missed his birthday, which is sad. I honestly didn't think it was going to take me so long on it, but I didn't count on SC to take so freakin long to do, so I've told him that it just may end up being a BirthMas present. ::chuckles::

Back to work for me!

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